Emergency admissions represent around 65 per cent of hospital bed days in England (NAO: Emegerncy Admissions to Hospitals: Managing the Demand) and although some admissions may not be perceived as avoidable due to the disease not being significant alterable, the availability of more suitable alternatives to an acute hospital admission can result in admission avoidance in the acute setting.
The Care Home Clinical Support Team at NHS Arden Commissioning Support have identified three areas why a resident is admitted to hospital which is Falls, UTIs and Respiratory Infections. These may be avoided by:
- Careful management and observation of the residents' diet and fluid levels (to reduce UTIs)
- A greater level of staff education / awareness / training around the management of falls
- Ensuring that person centred care is delivered with activies and socialisation to promote independence.
Care home staff, residents and relatives can access a wealth of useful information regarding the above and a variety of other clinical topics hosted on this website. Feel free to browse the navigation bar on the left of the screen for more information.
If you have any queries or concerns please visit the 'Clinical Support Nurses' or 'Contact List' pages.